Your Ultimate Guide for a 2023 Year End Reflection: 25 Questions For Meaningful Review

As we gear up to wave goodbye to 2023 (can you believe it), let’s pause and give this year a thoughtful send-off before we welcome the new one with open arms.


Reflecting on the past year is like flipping through a photo album—not just the picture-perfect moments but the candid shots too. It’s not about dwelling on successes or dwelling in the “could’ve, should’ve, would’ve.” It’s about acknowledging both the highlights and the hiccups.

Think of it as unpacking a suitcase full of experiences—some neatly folded, others a bit crumpled—understanding how they’ve shaped, challenged, or taught us. Yes, even the ones that made us go, “Well, that was unexpected.”

Sometimes we avoid reflecting because the year didn’t play out as planned. But guess what? These reflections aren’t courtroom interrogations; they’re more like a friendly chat at a coffee shop. They’re about celebrating wins, learning from misses, and crafting a roadmap for the future.

And hey, if this year felt like a plot twist in an unpredictable movie, reflecting becomes even more essential. It’s a chance to shake off the dust, appreciate the unexpected plot twists, and plot our sequel for the coming year.

Reflections aren’t torture devices designed to beat ourselves up. They help us see the good and consider how to iterate and pivot for the future.

If you’ve had some missteps you may be inclined to marinate in that or to let the negative self-talk get the better of you. This can affect how you think about yourself and your goals for 2024. You can go into 2024 limiting yourself and your capabilities. Even worse, you go into 2024 believing you’re a failure and can’t accomplish your goals.

So, to spark your reflection here are 25 questions to help you reflect on 2023. This is a take what you like and leave the rest kind of situation. If you find yourself short on time set a timer and pick your favourite questions.

Reflection Questions

  1. If I had to describe 2023 in 3 words they would be…
  2. My favourite photo or memory from 2023 is…
  3. The single best thing that happened in 2023 was…
  4. The best book, song, album, TV show, or movie I consumed this year was… (feel free to answer all)
  5. An unexpected joy was…
  6. One thing I’m proud of is… (this can be how you handled a tough situation, an accomplishment, a big or small will)
  7. One thing I’m glad I learned this year is…
  8. Complete this sentence: 2023 is the year… ex. “2023 is the year my partner and I moved in together” or “2023 is the year I quite my job!”
  9. One way I grew this year is…
    • OR consider how you grew emotionally, spiritually, mentally, financially, physically, or in your relationships with yourself and/or others.
  10. Someone who supported me this year was… and they supported me by…
  11. A relationship that grew or thrived this year was…
  12. What was an unexpected obstacle I faced this year? If I were to face this obstacle again right now how would I handle it? What would I do the same or differently?
  13. What is one hard lesson I learned this year but I’m ultimately glad I learned it?
  14. If I could say thank you to 2023 it would be for…
  15. In 2024 I’d like to stop, start, and continue…
  16. A habit that served me well in 2023 was…
  17. A habit that did NOT serve me well in 2023 was…
  18. What would I like to have or see less of in 2024?
  19. What would I like to have or see more of in 2024?
  20. A skill, hobby, topic, or habit I’d like to learn about in 2024 is….
  21. If I could do or see one thing next year it would be…
  22. If I could achieve one thing next year it would be… and why?
    • one action step I can take toward this one thing is…
  23. One relationship I’d like to develop, strengthen, or improve in 2024 is…and it’s important to me because…
  24. One way I’d like to grow in 2024 is…and the accountability or support I’d need to do this is…
  25. One thing I’d like to remember going into 2024 is…

Thanks so much for reading! If you’d like to read even more content on setting yourself up for success in 2024, check out this post on creating your word of the year.

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